The Apple II clone
inside an IBM PC
a feature of Diskman presents
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HARDWARE     Trackstar v1    Trackstar v2    Trackstar 128    Trackstar E    Trackstar Plus    Quadlink    WPC Bridge
SOFTWARE      Operating software    Trackstore disk images    Virtual hard drives

The Trackstore E and Plus can read and write to disk images stored in a special, proprietary format called Trackstore. Trackstore images end with the APP file extension, and each contains a 1:1 copy of a 5¼” Apple II floppy disk. With plenty of APP files on hand, there's no need to use physical floppy disks at all, as everything can be run directly from your hard drive. It's awesome!

I've already converted hundreds of disks over to Trackstore format, and you can download them all here!

• Download Trackstore pack #01view contents )
• Download Trackstore pack #02view contents )
• Download Trackstore pack #03view contents )


To create Trackstore disk images, I connect a FloppyEmu to my Trackstar E or Plus, and run the TSUTILIT program included on the Trackstar Utility Program disk. It's also possible to create them using CiderPress, however the resulting disk images will load far slower on the Trackstar than those created natively.

The lion's share of the floppy disk images I've converted to Trackstore format are based on the respectful and respectable “clean” deprotection efforts of 4am and san inc, archivists extraordinaire. In addition, san inc has worked tirelessly to ensure the bulk of his ProDOS conversions load and run perfectly on the Trackstar E and Plus. Many thanks, fellas!

This website created by and © Brandon Cobb. The legal rights to all computer programs featured on this website belong to the respective copyright holders.