Trackstore disk images, pack #02 -- March, 2022 For use with the Trackstar E and Trackstar Plus: Apple IIe clones on PC ISA cards All images converted, tested and verified by Brandon Cobb For more disk images, visit... The lion's share of these disk images are based on the respectful and respectable "clean" deprotection efforts of 4am and san inc: archivists extraordinaire. Place all disk image files (*.APP) in the same directory where STAR.EXE is located. Do NOT use a sub-directory! The following disk images are included in this pack: ABOOTCMP - Arcade Boot Camp ADCREATR - Adventure Creator ADVCSETA - Adventure Construction Set (disk 1A) program ADVCSETB - Adventure Construction Set (disk 1B) program ADVCSETC - Adventure Construction Set (disk 2A) data ADVCSETD - Adventure Construction Set (disk 2B) data AMNCHIES - Alien Munchies APESCAPE - Ape Escape ARTESIAN - Artesians ASTROATK - Astro Attack BBELFRY - Bats in the Belfry BEACHLND - Beach Landing BEYONDCW - Beyond Castle Wolfenstein BEZARE - Bezare BILETOAD - The Bilestoad BKAMUNGA - Bouncing Kamungas! BOLO - Bolo CARMNAPA - Where in America's Past is Carmen? (AP) boot CARMNAPB - Where in America's Past is Carmen? (AP2) CARMNAPC - Where in America's Past is Carmen? (AP3) CARMNAPD - Where in America's Past is Carmen? (AP4) CARMNNDA - Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (A) CARMNNDB - Where in North Dakota is Carmen Sandiego? (B) CAVEOLYM - The Caves of Olympus CAVERNFR - The Caverns of Freitag CCAVERNS - Crystal Caverns CCONTRPA - Creative Contraptions (side A) CCONTRPB - Creative Contraptions (side B) CHALMOSA - The Chalice of Mostania (side 1) CHALMOSB - The Chalice of Mostania (side 2) CHALMOSC - The Chalice of Mostania (side 3) CHALMOSD - The Chalice of Mostania (side 4) CHESCHKB - Chess, Checkers, and Backgammon CLUEMSTR - Clue Master Detective CMASADVA - A Christmas Adventure (side A) CMASADVB - A Christmas Adventure (side B) CONBONGO - Congo Bongo CONGO - Congo COPYII61 - Copy ][ Plus v6.1 CRICKETR - Cricketeer CRNARTHN - Crown of Arthain CROWLEYM - The Curse of Crowley Manor CRSTOPPR - Crime Stopper CRTRVENT - Creature Venture DONDRANA - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 1A) DONDRANB - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 1B) DONDRANC - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 2A) DONDRAND - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 2B) DONDRANE - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 3A) DONDRANF - Dondra - A New Beginning (disk 3B) DRGNKEEP - Dragon's Keep DTROUBLE - Double Trouble DUNGEON - Dungeon EGGSIT - Eggs-It ESANFRNA - Earthquake San Francisco 1906 (side A) ESANFRNB - Earthquake San Francisco 1906 (side B) FATCITY - Fat City FFABLESA - Fraktured Faebles (side A) FFABLESB - Fraktured Faebles (side B) FILER - The Filer Utility Disk FLYINGTG - Flying Tigers FOCASTLE - Forbidden Castle FORBIDNQ - Forbidden Quest FRACMNCH - Fraction Munchers GAMMAFRA - Gamma Force (side A) GAMMAFRB - Gamma Force (side B) GENERIC - Generic Computer Games GFINGER - Goldfinger GFLEECEA - Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (side A) GFLEECEB - Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (side B) GLFLINGA - Gelfling Adventure (side A) GLFLINGB - Gelfling Adventure (side B) GRUDSA - Gruds in Space (side A) GRUDSB - Gruds in Space (side B) HISTAKES - High Stakes INCAA - Inca (side A) INCAB - Inca (side B) INDYROTA - Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients KARATEKA - Karateka KARCHAMP - Karate Champ KIDNIKIA - Kid Niki (side A) KIDNIKIB - Kid Niki (side B) KIDWRITR - Kidwriter KUKLCANA - Kukulcan (side A) KUKLCANB - Kukulcan (side B) KUSTONBJ - Ken Uston's Professional Blackjack LABRNTHA - Labyrinth (side A) LABRNTHB - Labyrinth (side B) LAZERSLK - Lazer Silk LODERUNR - Lode Runner LRDLYORE - Lordlings of Yore LUCIFERA - Lucifer's Realm (side A) LUCIFERB - Lucifer's Realm (side B) MADRAT - Mad Rat MADVENTR - Mad Venture MASQUERA - Masquerade (side A) MASQUERB - Masquerade (side B) MAXWELLM - Maxwell Manor MCROWAVE - Microwave MDMPEVAL - Multidimensional Personality Evaluation MIRV - MIRV MISNASTR - Mission Asteroid MSHADOWA - Mindshadow (side A) MSHADOWB - Mindshadow (side B) MUMCURSE - Mummy's Curse NEUROMNA - Neuromancer (side 1) NEUROMNB - Neuromancer (side 2) NEUROMNC - Neuromancer (side 3) NEUROMND - Neuromancer (side 4) NMREGLRY - Nightmare Gallery NPRINCEA - Nine Princes in Amber (disk A) NPRINCEB - Nine Princes in Amber (disk B) NPRINCEC - Nine Princes in Amber (disk C) NPRINCED - Nine Princes in Amber (disk D) ODELLAKE - Odell Lake PENSATE - Pensate PENTAPUS - Pentapus PHOTAR - Photar POOYAN - Pooyan PRISONR2 - Prisoner 2 QPHULKA - Questprobe featuring The Hulk (side A) QPHULKB - Questprobe featuring The Hulk (side B) boot RAF - RAF - The Battle of Britain RETROFVR - Retro Fever ROBODAWN - Robots of Dawn RUNFORIT - Run For It SBBASKET - Stickybear Basket Bounce SBDRAWNG - Stickybear Drawing SCIMMARS - S.C.I.M.M.A.R.'s SEAFOX - Seafox SHEILA - Sheila SNOOPYWA - Snoopy Writer (side A) program disk SNOOPYWB - Snoopy Writer (side B) story disk SOLOFLT - Solo Flight SPYSTRIK - The Spy Strikes Back! SSFOOTBA - Street Sports Football (side A) SSFOOTBB - Street Sports Football (side B) STARBLZR - Star Blazer STAXMAN2 - Super Taxman 2 STKOBAYA - Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (side A) STKOBAYB - Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (side B) SUPRPUCK - Super Puckman SUSPNDED - Suspended SWSHBUCK - Swashbuckler TDESECRT - The Desecration THOLYGRA - The Holy Grail (side A) THOLYGRB - The Holy Grail (side B) TISLANDA - Treasure Island (side A) TISLANDB - Treasure Island (side B) TISLANDC - Treasure Island (side C) TISLANDD - Treasure Island (side D) TOPFUELE - Top Fuel Eliminator TRACERSA - The Tracer Sanction (side A) TRACERSB - The Tracer Sanction (side B) TROMPERS - Trompers TRTRANSA - Transportation Transformation (disk 1) program TRTRANSB - Transportation Transformation (disk 2) art WITNESS - Witness WMLOGIC - What's My Logic? WNDWALKA - Windwalker (disk 1) WNDWALKB - Windwalker (disk 2) WNDWALKC - Windwalker (disk 3) WNDWALKD - Windwalker (disk 4) WNGAMESA - The Games - Winter Edition (disk A-1) WNGAMESB - The Games - Winter Edition (disk A-2) WNGAMESC - The Games - Winter Edition (disk B-1) WNGAMESD - The Games - Winter Edition (disk B-2) WNGAMESE - The Games - Winter Edition (disk C) WSAMURAI - Winged Samurai ZOOMASTR - Zoo Master ZQUEST2A - Zork Quest II - The Crystal of Doom (side A) ZQUEST2B - Zork Quest II - The Crystal of Doom (side B)