A highly informative tribute to the Supervision
handheld video game system and its games.
a feature of Diskman Presents
  Balloon Fight
  Block Buster
  Block Buster / Cross High
  Brain Power
  Bubble World
  Cave Wonders
  Challenger Tank
  Chinese Checkers
  Classic Casino
  Cross High
  Dancing Block
  Delta Hero
  Dream World
  Eagle Plan
  Earth Defender
  Fatal Craft
  Final Combat
  Galactic Crusader
  Galaxy Fighter
  Grand Prix
  Happy Pairs
  Happy Race
  Hash Blocks
  Hash Block / Eagle Plan
  Hero Hawk
  Hero Kid
  Honey Bee
  Jacky Lucky
  Jaguar Bomber
  John Adventure
  Journey to the West
  Kabi Island
  Kitchen War
  Kung-Fu Street
  Linear Racing
  Matta Blatta
  Olympic Trials
  P-52 Sea Battle
  Pacboy & Mouse
  Pacific Battle
  Penguin Hideout
  Police Bust
  Popo Team
  Recycle Design
  Soccer Champion
  Sonny X'Press
  Space Fighter
  Super Block
  Super Kong
  Super Pang
  Tasac 2010
  Tennis Pro '92
  Thunder Shooting
  Treasure Hunter
  Witty Cat


  Devil Paradise
  Happy Flappy
  Jade Legend
  Marpol Brother
  The Kung-Fu Fighter
  Wonder Fish
©1992 Sachen
Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers
              This is a board game. The Chinese Checkers game is played on a star-shaped hexagonal board. The six pointed corners of the board are divided into 3 colour zones. One zone for the White Checkers, one for Grey Checkers and one for Black Checkers. Two zones which are directly opposite to each other have the same colour. The objective of this game is to move all the Checkers from one zone to the opposite zone which has the same colour.

The Checkers have two types of movement. These are short movement and jump movement.
(a)  Short Movement.
Move one step to the neighbouring EMPTY hole.
(b)  Jump Movements.
Depending on the path taken, a checker can move several steps by jumping over other checkers.
Nevertheless, a checker can only jump over the adjacent checker when its neighbouring hole is empty.
              When the power is turned on, the SUPERVISION logo is displayed and then comes to the game title screen. You need to press the START key to start a game, if this is not pressed, then the staff name screen will show temporarily, returning to the game title screen again. Having press the START key, the game selection screen will show. In this screen you could press the UP/DOWN keys to select on of the game options (SELECT MODE, SELECT CHECKER, SELECT ROUND) indicated by the grey circle pointer. Pressing the LEFT/RIGHT keys to select the various choices available to that option. The current choice is pointed by the finger-graphic. Press the START key now will enter the actual game.
There are four game modes available in the SELECT MODE, these are PLAYER vs COMPUTER, PLAYER vs TWO COMPUTERS, TWO COMPUTERS IN DEMO, THREE COMPUTERS IN DEMO. The SELECT CHECKER option allows you to choose the colour of your Checker (GREY, BLACK, WHITE). The SELECT ROUND option allows you to set the game round to 3, 6 or 9.
(1)  In the game selection screen.
DIRECTION KEYS  :  Select the game options/choices.
START  :  Starts a game.
(2)  In the actual game.
DIRECTION KEYS  :  Choose the Checker to be moved, or choose the jumping path.
START  :  Initiate the move or jump.
A-Key  :  Confirm the chosen Checker, or confirm the EMPTY hole as part
of the jumping path.
B-Key  :  Cancel the decision of chosen checker or jumping path.
On a typical game screen you should note the following.
1.   The current move information is given by the flashing triangle pointer at the top-left of the LCD which points to the checker.
2.   The number at the bottom right hand corner of the LCD is the current game ROUND number.
3.   The flashing Checker is the current chosen Checker to be moved. You may change this by pressing the DIRECTION keys, then press the A-Key to confirm your choice. Upon this confirmation, a triangle pointer will also appear, this is where the chosen Checker will move to. You may change this destination with the DIRECTION keys. Press the A-Key to confirm your choice. The triangle pointer will become a full circle marker upon your confirmation. The series of circle markers will represent your jump path. All you need to do now is to press the START key to initiate the movement in the chosen path. Should you wish to change your path, you could use the B-Key to cancel all the markers and start selecting the jumping path again.
4.   The jump path must be a series of alternate OCCUPIED and EMPTY holes.
5.   The Central Zone (Hexagon Area) is a common area where all colour Checkers can land and stay. However on the six pointed corners (Gary, Black and White Zone), Checkers of a different colour to the zone will not be allow to stay, but they are allowed to transit through this area during a jump movement. All checkers can only stay on the zone area with the same colour or stay in the Central Zone.
6.   The ERROR message will display on the top-right hand corner of the LCD when invalid moves are attempted.
7.   The first to move all the Checkers from one corner to the opposite corner is the winner for that current game round.
              After each round, the first winner gets 150 points, the second gets 50. No points will be awarded for the third competitor. The game will end when all the chosen round numbers have been played and the cumulative scores will be used to decide on the final winner of the game.

Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers

Chinese Checkers        


Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers    


Chinese Checkers    Chinese Checkers    
“Supervision: handheld of the less fortunate” created by and © Brandon Cobb.