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DUKE NUKEM 3D ©1997 3D Realms, Tiger Electronics |
D E S C R I P T I O N |
Hi-octane action at your fingertips! It's up to Duke Nukem to save the planet.
Pull out your shotgun and start blasting as swarms of aliens gun for your head.
Will you survive? Only if you can think fast and shoot faster.
Remember: it's a frag-or-be-fragged world.
· Built-in speech
· 3D-style graphics
· Incredible animation
· Come get some!
· Hail to the king, baby!
· Damn I'm good!
I N S T R U C T I O N S |
P A S S W O R D S |
Whenever you die, a four character password is displayed on the screen for
about two seconds. According to the game's instruction manual, this password
should allow you to continue playing from the level you died on. However, since
the game's password entry system is not fully functional due to incomplete
programming, the passwords given in-game are useless.
C H E A T S |
All weapons |
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Start a game and press PAUSE. Then, press B, A, D, A, D, D. |
All items |
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Start a game and press PAUSE. Then, press A, C, D, C.
Finally, touch the lower right corner of the screen twice. |
E N D I N G |