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Factual, in-depth coverage of obscure video games. |
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Fresh and original information about obsolete technology. |
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HTML hand-coded in MS-DOS Editor for speed and efficiency. |
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100% ad-free content. Advertising is inherently deceptive. |
This is a sanctuary of exhaustive research.
Abandon every speculation all ye who enter here! |
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Ad Lib music archive
A collection of PC video game soundtracks lovingly recorded directly from the Ad Lib sound card using custom hardware. |
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Battle of the Eras
The exclusive story (and release!) of a previously lost fighting game for
MS-DOS featuring digitized characters. |
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My exposé on a South Korean fighting game for MS-DOS, which includes a
shameless tie-in to my first visit to the DPRK. |
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Super Fighter Team
I'm the president and founder of this company which develops new video games
for classic consoles and computers. |
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Super Fighter vs. Sango Fighter
The fantastic story of my two favorite fighting games of all-time! |
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Supervision: handheld of the less fortunate
The premier Supervision handheld video game information archive: because no one
demanded it! |
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The end of the game.com
More than you ever cared to know about the pathetic Game Boy wannabe from Tiger
Electronics. |
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A complete Apple II computer on a PC ISA card?! Yes!! And I host homemade disk
images in its proprietary format! |
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Greetings. I am Brando: the immovable object. My consciousness
is powered by a 65C02 processor running at 1 MHz, with 128 kB of RAM to help
me think. (No wonder I have such a short attention span!)
For me, computer technology was at its height of glory in the 1980s - early
1990s: the years of my childhood. I find this time period to have introduced
the most curious and fascinating hardware and software developments. They
captivated me then, and retain my devotion now.
But I'm not the only one here. |
Diskman, my messenger, is my most trusted and loyal 5¼ floppy disk who,
like myself, is a proud relic of a sadly bygone era. He's fairly young by
floppy disk standards, having first been formatted with an overall
storage capacity of 140 kB in 1992. But he's had a lot of crucial data
stored on him over the years, without a single I/O error to date.
This website is where we share our geeky technology interests with the world.
It's fun. And you just might learn something neat. So come along with us as
we reminisce! |
Website content © Brandon Cobb, a guy with apparently way too much free time on his hands. Please don't steal my hard work.
I welcome your comments on this website, its crumby design & the info
presented here, so please e-mail me
to share your thoughts. |
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